Ways to Partner With ValleyLight Church



Spend your Summer or Semester serving with us!

Semester Missionaries

Spending one semester in West Valley can change your life and someone else's. Take online classes or just take a break from school and serve Jesus in West Valley. We have a variety of opportunities and needs. We would like to hear more about your story and how you can impact the story of what God is doing in Utah. 


I'm interested

GenSend is an immersive, hands-on training to give college students the ministry mindset needed to become lifelong missionaries. ValleyLight partners with GenSend to provide summer mission experience and training. During the summer not only will you serve through ValleyLight you will also be scouting out and creating a strategy for a new church plant. 

You can find more information and apply at their webiste: https://www.gensend.org/

Summer Interns

We have the opportunities but need more man/woman power. You will allow us to host more mission teams, reach deeper into the community, and make Jesus Unignorable in an unchurched community.   We need college-aged individuals who desire to live in a missional context. 

Summer interns will serve alongside GenSend but will be able to provide more leadership to ValleyLight and facilitate missions teams. 

I'm interested
Short-Term Missions

Want to bring a short term team from your church? We have two, week-long opportunities:


West Fest: June 10th - 16th. Teams will engage the community at West Valley's summer festival. 

Plant Camp: July 15th-21st. This week is great for student ministries and college students. 

I want to bring a team!

Contact us!

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